Augustine College
COVID-19 Protocol

The guiding principle for Augustine College is the need and responsibility to ensure the health and safety of the students in our care.

While there is no definitive curative or preventive treatment for COVID-19, proper precautions could dramatically lower the transmission of infection.

The College has developed a COVID-19 protocol that will be provided to staff, students, and their families. The protocol has specific directives that govern the health precautions required in the classroom, in residences, when attending religious services, and for any social gatherings that take place. The protocol also lists emergency contacts and the steps that will be taken in the event of an infection.

Students and staff must adhere to the Ontario Public Health Guidelines and to the current medical advice provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada that include self assessment, proper hand hygiene, physical distancing and using non-medical masks where required. All who have a smartphone are encouraged to download and use the COVID Alert app.

The pandemic has been an exercise in humility for all of us, and a reminder of our fragility and dependence. We pray that this academic year be not only an exercise of prudence, but also of trust. A trust rooted in the hope that the Holy Spirit will help us make the required sacrifices with joy and adhere ever closer to Him as we begin our year together.

Augustine College